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Your Personalized Search Results Are Here

October 1, 2024

Boost AI Search & Discovery is excited to roll out Personalized search results (or Search Personalization) for all Professional package subscribers from today!

The new feature enhances the online shopping experience by tailoring search results based on each shopper’s activities, like viewing or clicking. This innovation aims to transform browsing into a highly individualized experience, improving both satisfaction and engagement.

Search Personalization can address the growing demand for more intuitive and responsive search functions in eCommerce platforms. By automating customization based on interactions, we hope to help merchants meet customer expectations, foster loyalty, and drive sales.

The magic behind

Search Personalization analyzes individual shopper actions such as product clicks, additions to cart, and purchase history to deliver highly relevant and customized search outcomes. This feature harnesses AI to dynamically adapt search results, aligning them more closely with shoppers' preferences without the need for manual adjustments.

search personalization algorithms

Personalization not only increases user engagement and loyalty through a more personalized shopping experience but also boosts conversion rates by presenting products that are more likely to appeal to customers.

Setting up is straightforward

If you are a Professional user, Search Personalization is automatically activated. You can check its status in Search > Search engine control. Or simply navigate to Search > AI-powered Search > Personalization in the app admin and toggle it on.

You can configure the extent of personalization by selecting the number of products to re-rank, enhancing both search accuracy and user satisfaction. We also recommend enabling Semantic Search to complement personalization efforts for optimal results. With these tools, Boost AI aims to redefine how users interact with your store, making every search faster, smarter, and more personal.

Ready to revolutionize your search experience? Activate Search Personalization today by unlocking the FREE trial or get a demo.

Proudly introduce your new AI-powered search assistant: Search Personalization. This new feature tailors search results (and soon product recommendations) directly to each shopper's behavior and preferences, ensuring a seamless search experience. With satisfying search results come increased conversions and revenue!
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