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Boost Sales with AI Product Ranking

February 3, 2025
New Feature

Achieve the perfect balance between user experience and sales performance in your online store with our latest innovation: Product Performance Ranking.

Leveraging the latest in AI technology, this feature intelligently prioritizes products that have proven their worth, ensuring they appear first in search results. It's an automated solution that dynamically adjusts product rankings to improve your store's click-through and conversion rates significantly.

product performance ranking feature

Key Benefits:

  • Automatic Re-ranking: Sit back and watch as your products automatically ascend or descend in search results. This repositioning is based on performance criteria ensuring that your top performers get the visibility they deserve.
  • Granular Control: Upon activating the AI-powered Search add-on, Product Performance Ranking is enabled by default. Manage its status or disable it under Search > AI-powered Search in the top menu. To adjust ranking for specific terms, use Merchandising to create or modify rules.
  • Compare Mode: Leverage the enhanced Compare Mode within Test Your Search to vividly observe the impact of applying Product Performance Ranking on your search outcomes. This feature allows you to easily compare and discern the differences, ensuring your adjustments are precisely targeted for optimal performance.

Check out the below Help article to see how Product Performance Ranking works in details.

Introducing our new AI-driven Product Performance Ranking feature, designed to elevate your store's sales and profitability by optimizing search results. Experience a search engine that not only prioritizes your best-selling products but also adapts to shopper behaviors for maximized impact.
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